Fallen Banners (Update 45)
Null Arca fixed to proc only once before stacks are reset.
Arms of Relequen bonuses adjusted. Proc unchanged.
Unleashed Ritualist & Poisonous Serpent bonuses adjusted.
Azureblight proc correctly redefined as AOE damage, not single target.
Various Craft Champion Points changed to be always active (not slottable).
Update 44
Banner Bearer Grimoire introduced.
Azureblight set reworked. Base damage reduced, scaling damage per target massively increased.
Golden Pursuits and 2-sided Battlegrounds introduced.
Imperial City Keys and Vaults system replaced with Imperial Fragments and merchants.
Reduced the size of Impervious Runeward’s secondary shield by ~56%.
Reduced the healing granted by Runeguard of Freedom by 50%.
Cauterize changed to target up to 4 allies, tick rate increased, healing ticks reduced by 33%.
Chilled, Frost DOT and corpse generation added to Ghostly Embrace.
5s DOT added to Lotus Fan.
Shadowy Disguise changed to a toggle and a 10% damage buff against monsters.
Conjured Ward healing reduced to 10% of max Health, down from 15%.
Taunt added to Focused Charge.
Minor Maim added to Sun Shield. Scaling per enemy increased.
Glacial Presence passive changed to increase Chilled chance from any source.
Update 43
Spattering Disjunction, Pyrebrand, Corpseburster, Umbral Edge, Beacon of Oblivion, Aetheric Lance & Aerie’s Cry sets added.
Curation added to dungeon-specific Undaunted Monster set shoulder coffers.
Undeath passive damage reduction lowered to 15% from 30%.
New arenas, bosses, Verses and Visions added to Infinite Archive.
Various Scribing tooltips tweaked, Affix Script compatibility increased.
Home Tours introduced.
Execute scaling removed from Cephaliarch’s Flail.
Tentacular Dread bonus damage increased to 33% per Crux spent, up from 20%.
In-combat condition removed from Grave Lord's Sacrifice.
In-combat condition added to corpse generation.
Damage component added to Grave Grasp.
Major Brutality & Sorcery added to Skeletal Mage and its morphs.
Major Prophecy & Savagery added to Shocking Siphon and its morphs.
Minor Vulnerability added to Boneyard and its morphs.
Blur and Veiled Strike positions switched.
Shadow Barrier passive duration increased.
Daedric Curse AOE component increased.
Arctic Blast initial hit changed to either heal OR deal damage, not both.
Piercing Cold reworked to grant damage OR survivability based on max Health.
Gold Road (Update 42)
Scribing and Skill Styling systems introduced
Lucent Echoes, Null Arca and Highland Sentinel sets added.
Gradual Ravage Health potions fixed to not trigger item sets.
Various damage reduction effects fixed to be multiplicative rather than additive.
Mages Guild passive Everlasting Magic duration increased changed from 20% to 2s.
Delay added to Rush of Agony proc, range increased from 10m to 12m.
Various Werewolf abilities tweaked to increase its general effectives in PvE.
Cephaliarch’s Flail healing and cost increased.
Damage of Shocking Siphon (and morphs) increased by ~33% per tick.
Healing of Restoring Tether (and morphs) increased by ~14% per tick.
Single target attack removed from Dark Shade, so it constantly uses its AOE attack.
Immobilize added to the initial hit of Blazing Spear.
5% damage done added to Betty Netch (and morphs) when auto-dispel is not triggered.
Scions of Ithelia (U41)
Status Effects system overhauled, bringing them closer together in power.
Burning damage reduced by 6%.
Chilled damage increased by 106%.
Concussed damage increased by 106%, plus 15% extra to recently Concussed enemies.
Diseased damage increased by 88%, AOE damage added.
Hemorrhaging damage reduced by 20%, stacking added, Mangle removed.
Overcharged damage increased by 106%, Magicka restore added.
Poisoned damage reduced by 30%, duration reduced, ramping execute added.
Sundered damage increased by 106%, bonus Weapon & Spell Damage added.
Charged trait reduced from 365% to 235% increased status effect chance.
Barbed Trap changed to apply Hemorrhaging only on the initial hit.
Guaranteed Sundered status effect added to Snipe.
Guaranteed Hemorrhaging status effect added to every tick of Lacerate.
Executioner changed from Physical to Bleed Damage.
Runecarver’s Blaze fixed to apply Burning more often; a significant damage increase.
Mantle of Siroria perfected bonus changed from Max Magicka to Weapon & Spell Damage.
Vitality and Defile changed to affect damage shield strength as well as healing.
Inner Rage cost reduced by 40%, damage reduced by 10%, multi-synergy added.
Inner Beast damage increased by 80%, Minor Vulnerability & Minor Maim added.
Torc of the Last Ayleid King Mythic introduced.
Rewards system updated for XP, gold and Undaunted Keys
Buff/debuff tray updated to track taunt stacks.
Unified repair kits and stackable siege weaponry introduced
Role Play and Story playstyle options added to the Group Finder.
Fatecarver damage reduced by 7%.
Pragmatic Fatecarver shield strength reduced by 16% and capped at 50% Max Health.
Psychic Lesion bonus status effect chance reduced from 75% to 55%.
Fulminating Rune and Rune of Displacement radius increased to 6m and 10m respectively.
Combustion Burning & Poisoned damage bonus increased from 33% to 40%.
Stamina and Magicka gain unified and added to BOTH status effects.
Engulfing Flames debuff changed to scale to highest offensive stats.
Blastbones overhauled and renamed to Sacrificial Bones.
Damage component removed and replaced with a buff to class abilities and DOTs.
Stalking Blastbones also changed to Grave Lord’s Sacrifice.
Interaction added with Flame Skull, creating AOE damage and a corpse on every third cast.
Blighted Blastbones morph cost reduced 20%, guaranteed Diseased status effect added.
Death Knell Critical Chance bonus increased from 8% to 10% per Grave Lord ability.
Animate Blastbones changed to spawn Blighted Blastbones rather than the new morph.
Damage and duration of the enhanced Incapacitating Strike increased. Reave passive removed.
Bar swap persistence added to Soul Harvest passive bonus.
Major Berserk removed from Concealed Weapon, replaced with 10% damage boost to this ability.
Guaranteed Overcharged removed from Debilitate, changed to 15% increased chance.
Siphoning Strikes changed to a permanent, bar swap persistent effect.
Activation of this ability changed to drain Health in exchange for Magicka and Stamina.
Greater healing and stacking cost reduction added to Leeching Strikes.
Greater resource return (both passive and active) added to Siphoning Attacks.
Major Maim added to Encase and its morphs, cost reduced.
Restraining Prison renamed Vibrant Shroud, Minor Vitality and AOE burst heal added.
Shattering Prison renamed Shattering Spines, damage increased by 10% and made on-demand.
Radius of Lightning Splash and its morphs increased by 2m.
Heal added to Regenerative Ward, scaling to 10% of your Max Health/Magicka.
Hardened Ward heal increased to 15% of Max Health/Magicka when no pets are shielded.
Daedric Minefield renamed Daedric Refuge and changed to grant wards to allies.
Expert Summoner changed to grant 10% Health with pets, or 10% Magicka & Stamina without pets.
Power of the Light changed to always apply Sundered whenever it ticks.
Glacial Presence damage boost to Chilled decreased by 50% (due to status effect buffs).
Northern Storm damage increased by 50%, stat bonus changed to a stacking effect.
Permafrost tooltip damage decreased by 32% due to Chilled changes.
Infinite Archive (Update 40)
Infinite Archive and class-specific item sets introduced.
Aegis Caller bonus changed from Stamina Recovery to Critical Chance.
Pillar of Nirn bonus changed from Maximum Stamina to Critical Chance, proc damage reduced by 22%.
Dawnbreaker cone size increased.
Blessing of Protection fixed to no longer attempt to heal pets.
Grand Master Crafting stations added.
XP and rewards system overhauled.
Resonating Glyphic changed to only activate in combat.
Gibbering Shelter changed to hit 12 allies and refresh every 4s instead of every second.
Bar swap persistence added to Inferno and Seething Fury bonuses.
In-combat requirement added to generate Seething Fury stacks.
Corrosive Armor changed to disable ultimate generation while active.
Crystal Fragments fixed to always apply Crystal Weaver (cost reduction on subsequent casts).
Radiant Glory changed to restore Magicka, up to a maximum of 480 per tick.
Bar swap persistence added to Restoring Aura and its morphs.
Permafrost damage per tick reduced by 60%.
Update 39
Weapon passives changed to shrink the gap between different weapon types.
Long Shots renamed Vinedusk Training, changed to a universal damage bonus.
Bonuses from Twin Blade & Blunt and Heavy Weapons reduced slightly.
Ancient Knowledge changed to boost damage types based on type of staff equipped.
Tri Focus restricted to the final tick of fully charged Lightning Heavy Attacks, rather than every tick.
Merciless Charge changed to increase all direct damage for 18s after casting Critical Charge.
0.5s cooldown and 30% ramping damage per target added to Azureblight, base damage reduced.
Warchief, Battlereeve and General monster sets added to Cyrodiil.
Sourcing of Craglorn trial sets adjusted to fix curation.
Improved death notifications added to PvP areas.
Hundreds of bug fixes for quests, sets, items, companions etc.
Increased highlight on Crux spending abilities when at 3 stacks.
Combustion bonus to Burning & Poisoned damage lowered from 50% to 33%.
Health-based heal over time added to Green Dragon Blood.
Colossus cost reduced by 22%. Damage per hit increased by 11%.
Pestilent Colossus changed to guarantee Diseased status effect on every hit.
Glacial Colossus duration of Major Vulnerability extended from 12s to 17s.
Deaden Pain changed to increase its duration by 4s per corpse, up from 2s.
Grim Focus and its morphs changed to be always active - no precast necessary. Cost increased.
Relentless Focus stacking bonus increased from 60 to 80 Weapon & Spell Damage.
Buffs from Shadow Cloak and its morphs made permanent when slotted on either bar.
Major Savagery & Prophecy added to base morph and Shadowy Disguise.
Bound Armor changed to grant its bonuses passively when slotted on either bar.
Bound Armaments changed to be always active - no precast necessary.
Necrom (U38)
Arcanist class added.
Velothi Ur-Mage’s Amulet and Ansuul sets added.
Default melee attack range increased from 5 to 7 meters.
Spectral Cloak changed to activate only when in combat.
Plaguebreak changed to apply only to enemy players.
Acid Spray duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds.
Empower bonus reduced to 70% from 80%.
Burning Talons damage reduced. Duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds.
Melee range increase removed from Elder Dragon. Health Recovery increased.
Flame Skull third cast bonus damage increased from 20% to 50%.
Concealed Weapon damage bonus duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds.
Death Stroke and morphs duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds.
Minor Berserk added to Dark Conversion.
Major Berserk added to the synergy from Summon Storm Atronach and morphs.
Summon Volatile Familiar AOE stun adjusted, chance to apply Concussed increased.
Backlash adjusted so the maximum damage value is easier to reach.
Solar Flare and morphs updated to increase damage with class abilities by 5%.
Major Protection added to Focused Charge and its morphs.
Healing added to Rune Focus when outside the rune. Heal inside the rune increased by 200%.
Scribes of Fate (U37)
Major Berserk added to Wrecking Blow.
Jewelry damage glyphs hybridised. Stamina/Magicka Recovery added.
Runecarver’s Blaze and Ozezan the Inferno sets added.
Light Attack scaling increased, but base damage capped at 3,850 for melee, 3,465 for ranged.
Taunt added to single target pull abilities and procs when target is not already taunted.
Taunt immunity changed to activate only after 5 taunts from 2 players.
Pearls of Ehlnofey ultimate gain reduced from 5 to 3. Resource threshold raised from 30% to 50%.
Elemental Susceptibility fixed so Major Breach no longer overrides the ability.
Harmony trait changed to restore resources rather than boost synergies.
Helping Hands changed to activate only when resources spent exceed those gained.
Damage from Shackle synergy increased by 20%.
Empowering Chains renamed Chains of Devastation. Major Berserk added.
Graverobber synergy damage reduced by 34%.
Resources restored from Death Gleaning increased by 233%.
Mages’ Fury radius increased from 4m to 5m. Mages’ Wrath AOE damage increased by 129%.
Conjured Ward shield size and cap increased. Dynamic scaling added.
Conduit synergy damage increased by 20%.
Radial Sweep renamed Everlasting Sweep. Damage over time increased from 6s to 10s.
Cutting Dive DOT changed to apply on every cast, regardless of Off-Balance.
Shimmering Shield cost increased and shield reduced by 33%. Magicka gain replaced with Ultimate.
Crystallized Slab damage reduced by 33%, resource gain removed entirely.