Fallen Banners (Update 45)

  • Various Craft Champion Points changed to be always active (not slottable).

Update 44

  • Banner Bearer Grimoire introduced.

  • Azureblight set reworked. Base damage reduced, scaling damage per target massively increased.

  • Golden Pursuits and 2-sided Battlegrounds introduced.

  • Imperial City Keys and Vaults system replaced with Imperial Fragments and merchants.



  • Cauterize changed to target up to 4 allies, tick rate increased, healing ticks reduced by 33%.


  • Chilled, Frost DOT and corpse generation added to Ghostly Embrace.


  • 5s DOT added to Lotus Fan.

  • Shadowy Disguise changed to a toggle and a 10% damage buff against monsters.


  • Conjured Ward healing reduced to 10% of max Health, down from 15%.


  • Taunt added to Focused Charge.

  • Minor Maim added to Sun Shield. Scaling per enemy increased.


  • Glacial Presence passive changed to increase Chilled chance from any source.

Update 43

  • Spattering Disjunction, Pyrebrand, Corpseburster, Umbral Edge, Beacon of Oblivion, Aetheric Lance & Aerie’s Cry sets added.

  • Curation added to dungeon-specific Undaunted Monster set shoulder coffers.

  • Undeath passive damage reduction lowered to 15% from 30%.

  • New arenas, bosses, Verses and Visions added to Infinite Archive.

  • Various Scribing tooltips tweaked, Affix Script compatibility increased.

  • Home Tours introduced.



  • In-combat condition removed from Grave Lord's Sacrifice.

  • In-combat condition added to corpse generation.

  • Damage component added to Grave Grasp.

  • Major Brutality & Sorcery added to Skeletal Mage and its morphs.

  • Major Prophecy & Savagery added to Shocking Siphon and its morphs.

  • Minor Vulnerability added to Boneyard and its morphs.


  • Blur and Veiled Strike positions switched.

  • Shadow Barrier passive duration increased.


  • Daedric Curse AOE component increased.


  • Arctic Blast initial hit changed to either heal OR deal damage, not both.

  • Piercing Cold reworked to grant damage OR survivability based on max Health.

Gold Road (Update 42)

  • Scribing and Skill Styling systems introduced

  • Lucent Echoes, Null Arca and Highland Sentinel sets added.

  • Gradual Ravage Health potions fixed to not trigger item sets.

  • Various damage reduction effects fixed to be multiplicative rather than additive.

  • Mages Guild passive Everlasting Magic duration increased changed from 20% to 2s.

  • Delay added to Rush of Agony proc, range increased from 10m to 12m.

  • Various Werewolf abilities tweaked to increase its general effectives in PvE.



  • Damage of Shocking Siphon (and morphs) increased by ~33% per tick.

  • Healing of Restoring Tether (and morphs) increased by ~14% per tick.


  • Single target attack removed from Dark Shade, so it constantly uses its AOE attack.


  • Immobilize added to the initial hit of Blazing Spear.


  • 5% damage done added to Betty Netch (and morphs) when auto-dispel is not triggered.

Scions of Ithelia (U41)

  • Status Effects system overhauled, bringing them closer together in power.

    • Burning damage reduced by 6%.

    • Chilled damage increased by 106%.

    • Concussed damage increased by 106%, plus 15% extra to recently Concussed enemies.

    • Diseased damage increased by 88%, AOE damage added.

    • Hemorrhaging damage reduced by 20%, stacking added, Mangle removed.

    • Overcharged damage increased by 106%, Magicka restore added.

    • Poisoned damage reduced by 30%, duration reduced, ramping execute added.

    • Sundered damage increased by 106%, bonus Weapon & Spell Damage added.

  • Charged trait reduced from 365% to 235% increased status effect chance.

  • Barbed Trap changed to apply Hemorrhaging only on the initial hit.

  • Guaranteed Sundered status effect added to Snipe.

  • Guaranteed Hemorrhaging status effect added to every tick of Lacerate.

  • Executioner changed from Physical to Bleed Damage.

  • Runecarver’s Blaze fixed to apply Burning more often; a significant damage increase.

  • Mantle of Siroria perfected bonus changed from Max Magicka to Weapon & Spell Damage.

  • Vitality and Defile changed to affect damage shield strength as well as healing.

  • Inner Rage cost reduced by 40%, damage reduced by 10%, multi-synergy added.

  • Inner Beast damage increased by 80%, Minor Vulnerability & Minor Maim added.

  • Torc of the Last Ayleid King Mythic introduced.

  • Rewards system updated for XP, gold and Undaunted Keys

  • Buff/debuff tray updated to track taunt stacks.

  • Unified repair kits and stackable siege weaponry introduced

  • Role Play and Story playstyle options added to the Group Finder.


  • Fatecarver damage reduced by 7%.

  • Pragmatic Fatecarver shield strength reduced by 16% and capped at 50% Max Health.

  • Psychic Lesion bonus status effect chance reduced from 75% to 55%.

  • Fulminating Rune and Rune of Displacement radius increased to 6m and 10m respectively.


  • Combustion Burning & Poisoned damage bonus increased from 33% to 40%.

    • Stamina and Magicka gain unified and added to BOTH status effects.

  • Engulfing Flames debuff changed to scale to highest offensive stats.


  • Blastbones overhauled and renamed to Sacrificial Bones.

    • Damage component removed and replaced with a buff to class abilities and DOTs.

    • Stalking Blastbones also changed to Grave Lord’s Sacrifice.

    • Interaction added with Flame Skull, creating AOE damage and a corpse on every third cast.

  • Blighted Blastbones morph cost reduced 20%, guaranteed Diseased status effect added.

  • Death Knell Critical Chance bonus increased from 8% to 10% per Grave Lord ability.

  • Animate Blastbones changed to spawn Blighted Blastbones rather than the new morph.


  • Damage and duration of the enhanced Incapacitating Strike increased. Reave passive removed.

  • Bar swap persistence added to Soul Harvest passive bonus.

  • Major Berserk removed from Concealed Weapon, replaced with 10% damage boost to this ability.

  • Guaranteed Overcharged removed from Debilitate, changed to 15% increased chance.

  • Siphoning Strikes changed to a permanent, bar swap persistent effect.

    • Activation of this ability changed to drain Health in exchange for Magicka and Stamina.

    • Greater healing and stacking cost reduction added to Leeching Strikes.

    • Greater resource return (both passive and active) added to Siphoning Attacks.


  • Major Maim added to Encase and its morphs, cost reduced.

    • Restraining Prison renamed Vibrant Shroud, Minor Vitality and AOE burst heal added.

    • Shattering Prison renamed Shattering Spines, damage increased by 10% and made on-demand.

  • Radius of Lightning Splash and its morphs increased by 2m.

  • Heal added to Regenerative Ward, scaling to 10% of your Max Health/Magicka.

  • Hardened Ward heal increased to 15% of Max Health/Magicka when no pets are shielded.

  • Daedric Minefield renamed Daedric Refuge and changed to grant wards to allies.

  • Expert Summoner changed to grant 10% Health with pets, or 10% Magicka & Stamina without pets.


  • Power of the Light changed to always apply Sundered whenever it ticks.


  • Glacial Presence damage boost to Chilled decreased by 50% (due to status effect buffs).

  • Northern Storm damage increased by 50%, stat bonus changed to a stacking effect.

  • Permafrost tooltip damage decreased by 32% due to Chilled changes.

Infinite Archive (Update 40)

  • Infinite Archive and class-specific item sets introduced.

  • Aegis Caller bonus changed from Stamina Recovery to Critical Chance.

  • Pillar of Nirn bonus changed from Maximum Stamina to Critical Chance, proc damage reduced by 22%.

  • Dawnbreaker cone size increased.

  • Blessing of Protection fixed to no longer attempt to heal pets.

  • Grand Master Crafting stations added.

  • XP and rewards system overhauled.


  • Resonating Glyphic changed to only activate in combat.

  • Gibbering Shelter changed to hit 12 allies and refresh every 4s instead of every second.


  • Bar swap persistence added to Inferno and Seething Fury bonuses.

  • In-combat requirement added to generate Seething Fury stacks.

  • Corrosive Armor changed to disable ultimate generation while active.


  • Crystal Fragments fixed to always apply Crystal Weaver (cost reduction on subsequent casts).


  • Radiant Glory changed to restore Magicka, up to a maximum of 480 per tick.

  • Bar swap persistence added to Restoring Aura and its morphs.


  • Permafrost damage per tick reduced by 60%.

Update 39

  • Weapon passives changed to shrink the gap between different weapon types.

  • Merciless Charge changed to increase all direct damage for 18s after casting Critical Charge.

  • 0.5s cooldown and 30% ramping damage per target added to Azureblight, base damage reduced.

  • Warchief, Battlereeve and General monster sets added to Cyrodiil.

  • Sourcing of Craglorn trial sets adjusted to fix curation.

  • Improved death notifications added to PvP areas.

  • Hundreds of bug fixes for quests, sets, items, companions etc.


  • Increased highlight on Crux spending abilities when at 3 stacks.



  • Colossus cost reduced by 22%. Damage per hit increased by 11%.

  • Deaden Pain changed to increase its duration by 4s per corpse, up from 2s.


  • Grim Focus and its morphs changed to be always active - no precast necessary. Cost increased.

  • Relentless Focus stacking bonus increased from 60 to 80 Weapon & Spell Damage.

  • Buffs from Shadow Cloak and its morphs made permanent when slotted on either bar.


  • Bound Armor changed to grant its bonuses passively when slotted on either bar.

  • Bound Armaments changed to be always active - no precast necessary.

Necrom (U38)

  • Arcanist class added.

  • Velothi Ur-Mage’s Amulet and Ansuul sets added.

  • Default melee attack range increased from 5 to 7 meters.

  • Spectral Cloak changed to activate only when in combat.

  • Plaguebreak changed to apply only to enemy players.

  • Acid Spray duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds.

  • Empower bonus reduced to 70% from 80%.


  • Burning Talons damage reduced. Duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds.

  • Melee range increase removed from Elder Dragon. Health Recovery increased.


  • Flame Skull third cast bonus damage increased from 20% to 50%.


  • Concealed Weapon damage bonus duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds.

  • Death Stroke and morphs duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds.


  • Minor Berserk added to Dark Conversion.

  • Major Berserk added to the synergy from Summon Storm Atronach and morphs.

  • Summon Volatile Familiar AOE stun adjusted, chance to apply Concussed increased.


  • Backlash adjusted so the maximum damage value is easier to reach.

  • Solar Flare and morphs updated to increase damage with class abilities by 5%.

  • Major Protection added to Focused Charge and its morphs.

  • Healing added to Rune Focus when outside the rune. Heal inside the rune increased by 200%.

Scribes of Fate (U37)

  • Major Berserk added to Wrecking Blow.

  • Jewelry damage glyphs hybridised. Stamina/Magicka Recovery added.

  • Runecarver’s Blaze and Ozezan the Inferno sets added.

  • Light Attack scaling increased, but base damage capped at 3,850 for melee, 3,465 for ranged.

  • Taunt added to single target pull abilities and procs when target is not already taunted.

  • Taunt immunity changed to activate only after 5 taunts from 2 players.

  • Pearls of Ehlnofey ultimate gain reduced from 5 to 3. Resource threshold raised from 30% to 50%.

  • Elemental Susceptibility fixed so Major Breach no longer overrides the ability.

  • Harmony trait changed to restore resources rather than boost synergies.





  • Radial Sweep renamed Everlasting Sweep. Damage over time increased from 6s to 10s.


  • Cutting Dive DOT changed to apply on every cast, regardless of Off-Balance.

  • Shimmering Shield cost increased and shield reduced by 33%. Magicka gain replaced with Ultimate.

  • Crystallized Slab damage reduced by 33%, resource gain removed entirely.